About this Ministry...
On the first Friday of each month we hold twenty four hour adoration, starting after the 9:00am Mass on Friday and concluding at 10:00am on Saturday.
This ministry asks that a person or a family group commit to one hour during that span of time to spend in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We are looking for security as well as persons to spend time in prayer.
Eucharistic Adoration is a deep and moving form of Catholic prayer. As God is truly present in the consecrated species of bread and wine, we must preserve the sacred gifts with the greatest reverence and worship our Lord and Redeemer in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Certainly, anyone who is really following Christ will recognize him in the poorest of the poor and serve him in them. But he will also find time to spend time in adoration and offer his love to our Eucharistic Lord.
Many of the great Saints heavily depended on their time in adoration to give them strength in their ministry and to grow in the love of our Lord.
If you are feeling called please scroll down for more information on how to sign up!
What is Called to Protect?
Those in church leadership carry a special duty to see that all church employees and volunteers are suitable to be in positions of trust with children and vulnerable persons, and that all church-sponsored activities and programs are conducted in a safe environment.
The Archdiocese of Edmonton is using the Called to Protect for Ministries program to provide training for all clergy, employees and lay volunteer leaders. Called to Protect (CTP) training is mandatory for all clergy, archdiocesan and parish employees and camp staff in the Archdiocese of Edmonton. It is also required for all volunteers.
Depending on the Ministry you are serving in you may be asked to submit a police record check, intervention check or other documents.
All this information will be covered in your interview in the parish office.