About this Ministry...
Music Ministers are an integral part of every Mass. Since Vatican II the Catholic Church has emphasized the importance of the involvement of the lay persons of our parishes and participating more fully in the Mass.
Music Ministers share their talent in music by singing the hymns and psalms during the Mass, liturgies, and other parish activities.
We have regular training sessions with our head of the music ministry to prepare new musicians.
All persons wishing to join this ministry must be baptized practicing Catholics, register in the parish office, and complete all the necessary training and Called to protect program prior to starting in their ministry.
Thank you so much for considering a calling to serve God by sharing their talents and supporting our Church community.
What is Called to Protect?
Those in church leadership carry a special duty to see that all church employees and volunteers are suitable to be in positions of trust with children and vulnerable persons, and that all church-sponsored activities and programs are conducted in a safe environment.
The Archdiocese of Edmonton is using the Called to Protect for Ministries program to provide training for all clergy, employees and lay volunteer leaders. Called to Protect (CTP) training is mandatory for all clergy, archdiocesan and parish employees and camp staff in the Archdiocese of Edmonton. It is also required for all volunteers.
Depending on the Ministry you are serving in you may be asked to submit a police record check, intervention check or other documents.
All this information will be covered in your interview in the parish office.