July 7th - 11th
Ages 6 - 9
9:00am - 12:00pm

This Year's VBS...
We are so excited to have your child(ren) participate in this year’s program, Cat.Chat Vacation Bible School: Mary Leads Me Closer to Jesus. This program has been especially designed to help your child(ren) better understand who Mary is and how she leads us closer to Jesus.
During the week your child(ren) will learn all about Mary; how Mary said “Yes” to God’s will and that, as our spiritual Mother, she prays for us. They will also learn that Jesus is the King of Kings and how He teaches us to live as children of the Kingdom.
It is our hope that this week will help your child(ren) develop a love and excitement for Mary and Jesus that will keep their Catholic faith alive in their hearts for a lifetime. We truly want this to be a “whole family” learning experience and so we will be sending home materials to help you understand and reinforce what your children have learned.
This program is heavily reliant on volunteers, if we are unable to find enough volunteers we will not be able to offer this program. For more information about volunteering please scroll down.